A platform designed to foster critical and open discussions, encourage brainstorming of ideas, and facilitate knowledge sharing among members of the public and private sectors, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), on contemporary social issues that impact the fabric and well-being of the nation's social network.
Executive Discourse @ ISM
An exclusive platform designed to promote knowledge sharing, constructive discussions, and open exchanges, while gathering insights and best practices from diverse stakeholders. It brings together prominent and experienced national figures in the fields of social work, leadership, and management. Executive Discourse @ ISM encompasses three (3) main programmes as follows:
- Executive Talks
- This programme involves the participation of eminent national figures
- This programme involves the participation of eminent national figures
- Executive Forums
- Featuring qualified and experienced panellists in the social field, this programme discusses current and trending issues and topics.
- Featuring qualified and experienced panellists in the social field, this programme discusses current and trending issues and topics.
- Roundtable Dialogues
- Addressing contemporary social issues that impact the fabric and well-being of social networks across borders, this programme engages stakeholders from the public and private sectors, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and social communities beyond the ASEAN region.
Social Essence
A platform for sharing knowledge, perspectives, and experiences on contemporary social issues through critical and open discussions. Social Essence consists of two (2) main programmes as follows:
- Social Talks
- This serial programme will feature local figures actively involved in the field of social work in Malaysia.
- This serial programme will feature local figures actively involved in the field of social work in Malaysia.
- Podcast
- This serial podcast will explore trending topics of public debate, featuring credible and authoritative panellists.
The implementation of the Social Horizon initiatives will be announced from time to time through official channels.
Social Work Profession Dialogue
The Social Work Profession Dialogue is an intellectual discourse aimed at raising awareness among participants and the public about social work and its significance in addressing social issues in the country. This program features experienced panellists who have managed social issues, particularly concerning the target groups of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM). It also aims to promote the field of social work to the public as an effort to dignify the social work profession.