ISM is a public training institute (ILA) under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. Its role is to plan and implement training programmes while contributing to the development of knowledge and skills for social workers and practitioners from government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and the general public in Malaysia. As one of 343 ILAs registered under the 1Malaysia Training Centre (1MTC), ISM focuses on social aspects and the nation's social development.

Yes. While the majority of ISM’s courses and programmes are functionally tailored for officers and staff of the Malaysian Department of Social Welfare (JKM), there are also generic courses and programmes available to government staff, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and the general public. The list of programmes and their target participants includes:

  • Courses
  • Workshops
  • Seminars/Conferences
  • Programmes

ISM is also involved in publishing academic and semi-academic materials such as the International Journal of Social Policy and Society (IJSPS), ISM Minda, Social Matters, and ISM Giat. Additionally, ISM conducts research related to the target groups of KPWKM, including studies on the well-being of children in childcare institutions and the integration of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) into the workforce.

ISM provides comprehensive facilities and offers a conducive campus environment for participants and visitors. The available facilities include:

  • Dormitories
  • Dining Hall
  • Auditorium
  • Prayer Room (Surau)
  • VIP Lounge
  • Lecture Rooms
  • Multipurpose Court

All of the above facilities (except for the prayer room and library) can be rented by other agencies or the public at rates determined by the Department of Valuation and Property Services (JPPH). To make a booking, please visit the 1MTC portal (link to 1MTC).

ISM mempunyai kemudahan yang lengkap serta menawarkan persekitaran kampus yang kondusif kepada para peserta dan pelawat. Antara kemudahan yang ditawarkan adalah:

  • Asrama
  • Dewan Makan
  • Auditorium
  • Surau
  • Galeri
  • Bilik Menunggu VIP
  • Makmal Komputer
  • Bilik Kuliah
  • Mahkamah Moot
  • Bilik Mesyuarat
  • Gelanggang Serbaguna
  • Perpustakaan

Kesemua kemudahan di atas (kecuali surau dan perpustakaan) boleh disewakan kepada agensi lain/orang awam dengan kadar yang telah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH). Untuk menyewa,sila layari portal 1MTC. (link kepada 1 MTC).