The Social Consultation Development Cluster (KPRS) is responsible for organising various courses, workshops, and seminars in the fields of social and community development for public servants, private sector employees, non-governmental organisations, volunteers, the general public, and interested individuals.
In addition to organising various related courses and workshops, KPRS also hosts a range of seminars conducted online.
The Social Work Development Cluster (KPKS) functions to design and set the direction for competency development programs in the field of social work to enhance the knowledge and skills of officers and staff under the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development (KPWKM), social scheme officers from other relevant agencies/departments, as well as Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the field of social work.
In addition to implementing competency development training in social work, KPKS also organises professional certification programs, seminars, and conferences for knowledge enhancement, as well as consultations related to the training provided.
- Membuat penyelidikan dan merangka kurikulum kursus berkaitan pengurusan dan pembangunan organisasi sosial;
- Mengenalpasti, menghebah dan memilih peserta dari kalangan pengamal sosial;
- Merancang dan menyelaras pelaksanaan latihan/kursus berkaitan pembangunan nilai diri dan minda pengamal sosial;
- Memantau dan menilai pencapaian objektif kursus;
- Mengkaji semula dan menambahbaik pembangunan kurikulum dan penceramah serta pengendalian kursus;
- Keurusetiaan bagi Jawatankuasa Akademik dan Kurikulum ISM.