Pusat Sumber Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) was established in 2002 in line with the founding of ISM. The Pusat Sumber (Resource Center) is part of the Management Services Division (BKP). It was established to support research, learning, reference, and training facilities organised by ISM. The Resource Center plays a role in providing a wide range of reference materials and research resources, particularly in the field of social work, for ISM officers and staff, as well as for course participants serving under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) and its affiliated agencies.


To be a reference hub for knowledge and information related to training, research, and the development of social work.


To provide high-quality and efficient services and information, while driving the promotion of a reading culture among ISM staff.


  • Developing, documenting, and maintaining the Resource Center materials.
  • Providing reference resources related to training, research, and the development of social work.
  • Offering circulation, reference, and current awareness services.
  • Planning, coordinating, and implementing reading promotion programs and knowledge culture activities.


  1. Users are subject to the General Rules of the ISM Resource Center.
  2. Users are required to dress neatly and appropriately and to behave courteously while in the Resource Center.
  3. Users who are students from public or private institutions of higher learning (IPTA/IPTS) or from other external organisations must present a letter of verification from their Faculty/University/Institution/Organization as proof for reference purposes at the ISM Resource Center.
  4. Users must comply with all additional rules set when using Resource Center services or facilities, such as computer services and others.
  5. The ISM Resource Center is not responsible for any loss or damage to users' belongings while inside the Resource Center.
  6. Users must return materials used to the designated book trolley and ensure no materials are left on the tables.
  7. Mobile phones or any electronic devices must be set to silent mode.
  8. Any unreasonable noise, loud conversations, loud mobile phone calls, or playing loud music or videos is prohibited.
  9. Smoking, eating, and drinking are strictly prohibited inside the ISM Resource Center.
  10. Bags and umbrellas are not allowed inside the Resource Center. Please store them in the provided storage racks/lockers, and users are advised not to leave valuables in the storage racks/lockers.
  11. Users must refrain from talking or causing disturbances and must not disrupt the peace of other users in the Resource Center. Those who do so may be asked to leave.
  12. It is prohibited to move or transfer materials from one collection to another.
  13. Littering is not allowed.
  14. The ISM Resource Center reserves the right to reprimand and take appropriate action against users who violate the established regulations.
  15. The ISM Resource Center reserves the right to inspect bags or other personal belongings when users enter or leave the Resource Center.
  16. The General Rules of the ISM Resource Center are subject to amendments from time to time.

Operating Hours