Webinar: Gender Awareness
This webinar serves as a platform to raise public awareness and knowledge about gender sensitivity and to develop skills in understanding various issues through a gender perspective.
This webinar serves as a platform to raise public awareness and knowledge about gender sensitivity and to develop skills in understanding various issues through a gender perspective.
One of the core roles of the Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) is to enhance its functions and contributions in social work and social development through strategic collaborations. ISM strengthens its strategic networks with various entities, both domestic and international, including government and private agencies, corporations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), associations, and public and private higher education institutions. These partnerships aim to address the need for holistic human capital development.
These collaborations encompass training programmes, academic courses, research and studies, as well as targeted programmes and publications.
This cluster plays a role in conducting research based on approved topics. These studies will be carried out within a period of 10 to 24 months. Below is a list of research projects that have been conducted, organized by year.
Suggestions for research themes for upcoming courses or activities aim to establish a primary focus that aligns with current developments and institutional needs. These themes will guide research and learning within the courses or activities, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and providing value to participants. Additionally, they are intended to encourage in-depth exploration of pressing contemporary issues critical to the organization's growth and advancement.
The Social Consultation Development Cluster (KPRS) is responsible for organising various courses, workshops, and seminars in the fields of social and community development for public servants, private sector employees, non-governmental organisations, volunteers, the general public, and interested individuals.
In addition to organising various related courses and workshops, KPRS also hosts a range of seminars conducted online.
The Social Work Development Cluster (KPKS) functions to design and set the direction for competency development programs in the field of social work to enhance the knowledge and skills of officers and staff under the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development (KPWKM), social scheme officers from other relevant agencies/departments, as well as Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the field of social work.
In addition to implementing competency development training in social work, KPKS also organises professional certification programs, seminars, and conferences for knowledge enhancement, as well as consultations related to the training provided.
The Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM), a distinguished Public Training Institution (ILA) in the field of social development and social work, has achieved significant success in fulfilling its mission and objectives. Several of ISM's literary and creative contributions have been successfully registered as intellectual property under the Copyright Act 1987 (Act 332), including training modules, ISM courses, as well as ISM-produced dramas and songs.
![]() | The Coat of Arms In accordance with Circular Letter Number 1 of 2022 - Use of the Federal Coat of Arms , dated 17 January 2022, the Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) has adopted the National Coat of Arms (Jata Negara) as its official logo. As an agency under the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development (KPWKM), ISM utilises the Jata Negara as its official logo, in compliance with the Usage Guidelines under Clause 10.3 - Symbols of Ministries and Departments. |
![]() | ISM Book Logo ISM also has its own distinctive logo, registered with the Certificate of Trademark Registration under the Trademarks Act 2019. The exclusive rights include the phrase “Ilmu, Sejahterakan Masyarakat” (Knowledge, Enriching the Society) – (Registration No.: 2014011452) |
![]() | ISM Sukarelawan Jiwa Malaysia Logo ISM also organises training and courses in the field of volunteerism, including basic volunteerism (elderly), volunteer management and practice, and volunteer coaching. To support these initiatives, ISM has registered a distinctive logo for these trainings, symbolising the volunteerism functions of ISM. The logo is registered with a Certificate of Trademark Registration under the Trademarks Act 2019, granting exclusive rights to the phrase "Sukarelawan Jiwa Malaysia ISM". |
ISM turut menerbitkan dua (2) buah lagu iaitu lagu Semurni Usaha KPWKM dan Wanita Bangkit. Lagu Semurni Usaha KPWKM merupakan lagu rasmi bagi Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) yang telah didaftarkan di bawah Akta Hak Cipta 1987 (Akta 332).
Lirik oleh:
Muzik oleh: Ikhwan Fattana
Lirik oleh:
Muzik oleh: Ikhwan Fattana
ISM telah menerbitkan buku berjudul Wanita Bangkit yang mengupas pengalaman wanita yang bangkit dari kejatuhan, belenggu kemiskinan dan pelbagai masalah isu-isu sosial semasa. ISM telah menerbitkan dua (2) drama pendek yang diadaptasi dari buku berkenaan ke layar kaca yang berjudul “Salin Tikar” dan “Duka Yang Paling Indah”.