Uniting Hope

Shaping the Future

Through training programs, research, and publications,
we drive positive change for the social well-being of the country.


Latest Calendar Activities

Call for Papers Paradigma

Call for Papers IJSPS

Visit ISM Facilities (VR)


Majalah Paradigma Sosial
Call for Papers
Talian Kasih
Call for Papers
Majalah Paradigma Sosial
Keterangkuman dan Kemampanan

Training and Programmes 

List of Courses, Training, Seminars, Workshops in social development organized by ISM.


Studies related to social and social development produced by ISM.

Kajian Kebolehlaksanaan ISM Sebagai Agensi Akreditasi Kerja Sosial di Malaysia
Feasibility Study of ISM as a Social Work Accreditation Agency in Malaysia
Kajian Penilaian Program Pelaksanaan 2 Years Exit Policy
Evaluation Study on the Implementation of the 2Years Exit Policy (2YEP)
Kajian Penilaian Keberkesanan Projek Rintis Pemeliharaan Berasaskan Keluarga
Evaluation Study on the Effectiveness of the Pilot Family-Based Care (FBC) Preservation Project
Kajian Penilaian Keberkesanan Program Pemulihan dalam Komuniti
Evaluation Study on the Effectiveness of the Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme
Kajian Keberkesanan Perintah Perlindungan Kecemasan (EPO) kepada Mangsa Keganasan Rumah Tangga (KRT)
Effectiveness of the Emergency Protection Order (EPO) for Domestic Violence Victims
Kajian Keberkesanan Program Khidmat Masyarakat terhadap Pesalah Khidmat Masyarakat
Effectiveness of the Community Service Programme on Community Service Offenders
Keberkesanan Pelan Tindakan Pembangunan Wanita
Effectiveness of the Women’s Development Action Plan
Keberkesanan Kerja Sosial dalam Pengurusan Bencana oleh Agensi JKM di Pusat Pemindahan Sementara (PPS)
Effectiveness of Social Work in Disaster Management by the Department of Social Welfare (JKM) at Temporary Relief Centres (PPS)
Kajian Tinjauan Mengenai Persepsi dan Tahap Pengetahuan Masyarakat terhadap Keganasan Rumah Tangga di Malaysia
Survey Study on Public Perception and Knowledge Levels Regarding Domestic Violence in Malaysia

Virtual Tour

Explore the Malaysian Social Institute (ISM) with a 360° virtual tour and experience our facilities interactively.


Studies related to social and social development produced by ISM.

Social Work Case Management
Social Work Case Management
Compilation of Social Literature Highlights
Compilation of Social Literature Highlights
ISM Annual Report 2019
ISM Annual Report 2019
Paradigma Social Magazine 2020
Paradigma Social Magazine 2020
ISW Symposium
Proceeding of the International Social Work Volume 2 / 2019
IJSPS 2019
International Journal of Social Policy and Society (IJSPS)
STB Kidz
Refleksi Pekerja Sosial Refleksi Pekerja Sosial Sebuah Praktis Di Kota Metropolitan (Reflections of Social Workers: A Practice in the Metropolitan City) Sebuah Praktis Di Kota Metropolitan
Refleksi Pekerja Sosial Sebuah Praktis Di Kota Metropolitan (Reflections of Social Workers: A Practice in the Metropolitan City)
Di Sebalik Kenangan Itu (Behind Those Memories)
Di Sebalik Kenangan Itu (Behind Those Memories)